WOKE – Ways of “konnecting” with and encountering God

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WOKE – Ways of “konnecting” with and encountering God

Time: 09:30 Sunday
Where: Founders Lounge
Style: Interactive Workshop

Sharpen some new and old Christian tools so you can hear and feel and see God more clearly!


Diane Gilliam-Weeks


Born Presbyterian, Diane was ordained to the ministry in 2002. She’s a spiritual director and supervisor and edits Refresh Journal of Contemplative Spirituality. Her favourite thing in helping people move closer to God.

Here to Stay – growing young people in faith through transformational experiences

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Here to Stay – growing young people in faith through transformational experiences

Time: 09:30 Sunday
Where: Elm Fireside
Style: Interactive Workshop
tiny-sizw-ctCore Topic: Established

As well as imparting INFORMATION we need to intentionally add experiences that focus on FORMATION so that faith goes deeper and results in TRANSFORMATION. This workshop will explore eight simple principles that have been shown through scripture, research and experience to create lasting transformation in young people.


Gordon Fitch

gordon fitch Presbyterian Youth Ministry

National Youth Manager, PYM

Gordon has been a youth worker in the UK and the USA, serving in a number of different styles and sizes of churches. He is now the National Youth Manager for the Presbyterian Church, supporting youth workers, being a resource and sharing resources, hosting training and events, advocating for youth ministry and best practices, assisting in networking and promoting other organisations events. He supports Liverpool FC and has a computer science degree from the old days which does him no good today, so he gets all his technology advice from his kids.

Problem Gaming- reconnecting the disconnected

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Problem Gaming- reconnecting the disconnected

(repeat workshop)

Time: 09:30 Sunday
Where: Elm Dining
Style: Interactive Workshop

Professional gaming is a global phenomenon, the gaming industry earns more than the music or film industries and gaming is now part of mainstream youth culture. There is also consensus that gaming can cause real problems for some young people. This workshop explores these issues and how youth ministries can help.



Caleb Putt

Team Leader
Sorted- Youth AOD Service

Sorted works with young people under 18 who are experiencing problems connected to their substance use, mental health and/or problem gaming. The service is part of BOPDHBs Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.

The next day- a faith-filled response to suicide & mental health

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The next day- a faith-filled response to suicide & mental health

(double session, you need to attend both to get the most out of this workshop)

Time: 09:30 & 11:00 Sunday
Where: Elm Hall
Style: Interactive Workshop
tiny-sizw-ctCore Topic: Established

There is no conversation that Jesus Christ is not willing to have! However, our Christian faith through myth, misinterpretation, and narrow views of mental health have either avoided conversation or even misdirected people. We believe that scripture has VERY clear teaching on mental health and more so suicide. Through embracing several different approaches there are opportunities to serve our communities, one another, loved ones and ultimately Christs’ call to “bind up the broken hearted”. Walk away with theologically sound top tips and tools you can use.


Paul Humphries

Paul Humphries


Paul has recently returned to NZ after serving in outdoor ministry with the Presbyterian Church in the USA for over 15 years. During this time he has served 2 Presbyterian camps in Georgia & Pennsylvania. This also included beginning two intentional young adult communities, running large summer camps programs, and retreats and camps for all different ages outside the summer. He is passionate about the outdoors and finding faith metaphors in outdoor activities with those around him. He has also worked extensively with churches developing meaningful community development ministries. He married to Robin an ordained Presbyterian Minister and they have a 3yr old called Moana.

Barefoot theology

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Barefoot theology

(back again by popular demand!)

Time: 09:30 Sunday
Where: Redwood Upstairs
Style: Interactive Workshop
tiny-sizw-ctCore Topic: Key Leaders

At its most basic level theology is simply talking or reasoning about God, so in one sense every Christian is a theologian! Theology is based on our words and ideas about God as we respond to His Word within the context of our time and place. In this barefoot guide to theology we will dig into the Scriptures and use some basic tools to help us gain a deeper understanding of God’s revelation in the story of the Bible.



Terry Pouono


Lecturer and Kaiako, Laidlaw College

Terry Pouono is a kaiako and lecturer for the School of Theology based at the Manukau campus. Terry teaches a range of theology courses at the Manukau campus. He has taught at Malua Theological College in Samoa and worked in the Tuakana student support programme at the University of Auckland. He is married to Toese and they have four children.

WOF Training

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Workshop – WOF Training

[you must attend all four workshops to receive certificate]

Time: 10:30 & 12:00 Saturday + 09:30 & 11:00 Sunday
CoreTopic: merging Leaders
Where: Pinewood Dining
Style: Interactive Workshop

By doing these four workshops,you will receive the PCANZ Children’s and Youth Leader Safety WOF certificate. We recommend every youth leader does this training every three years. This training is provided in your presbytery once a year. [more info]

A young person confides in you that they are taking drugs and pleads with you not to tell their parents… What would you do? A student confides in you that they are being sexually abused at home. Who can you tell?

The workshop looks. at Physical, Psychological, Sexual and Spiritual safety. This workshop is packed with loads of practical ways you can make your ministry as safe as possible.


Brad Kelderman

brad kelderman Presbyterian Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Advisor, Presbyterians in Otago and Southland

I’m a mid thirties ginger who has only really done youth ministry since leaving school, which means I have had many different side jobs trying to survive, and I have also only studied ministry and theology and so I’m stuck…no no…I’m committed to my call to youth ministry. I currently work for the Presbyterians in Otago and Southland as their regional youth ministry guy.

Emma Page

emma- connect

Youth Coordinator,  Northern Presbytery

Emma is the youth coordinator for Northern Presbytery based in Greenlane, Auckland. Although she has done a few different jobs in her short life she has always been involved in youth ministry along the way. Emma enjoys cooking and running (but not at the same time) and is married to Elliot.