Bible Online – has a catalog of the Bible in 1650 Language, making it easy to read, study, and share God’s Word with friends and family around the globe; and hear the Bible brought to life in high quality, dramatized audio in hundreds of languages. Through an integration with Jesus Film Scripture comes to life.
New American Bible Revised Edition-NABRE (Catholic)
YouVersion – The Bible App – YouVersion is a free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. The Bible App allows users to read the Bible, share verses with their social networks, bookmark their favorite passages, and more – all in a format that keeps up with their increasingly mobile lifestyle. The app includes over 1000 Bible versions in hundreds of languages. Readers can add their own Verse Images, highlights, bookmarks, and public or private notes. The Bible App lets people explore the Bible with their friends, having conversations about Scripture with people they know and trust. There are hundreds of Reading Plans, in over 40 languages – devotionals, as well as Plans that lead you through specific topics, portions of the Bible, or even the entire Bible in a year. Watch and share clips from The Bible TV miniseries, the JESUS film, and The Lumo Project.
YouVersion – Bible App for Kids – Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kids explore the big stories of the Bible. The Bible App for Kids is a delight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to return again and again. It’s the beginning of a lifelong love of God’s Word. It has easy, kid-friendly navigation; colorful illustrations; touch-activated animations; engaging, interactive content that brings the Bible to life; and fun facts and activities designed to help kids remember what they learn.
Bible Readings & Devotions
Daily Bible Reading (Lutheran)
Daily Lectionary Readings (Presbyterian) – Two distinct lectionaries are provided for the daily readings: the two-year Daily Lectionary from the Book of Common Worship and the three-year Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) for Sundays and festivals.
Lectio Divina (American Bible Society) – Lectio Divina provides a weekly framework for a faithful and respectful reading of the Bible, coordinated with the Catholic lectionary calendar, delivered via email or online.
Faith Gateway Bible & Devotionals (HarperCollins Christian Publishing) – FaithGateway is an online community for readers to discover great content and engage with their favorite Christian authors. FaithGateway has a section on Bible with a variety of online Bible Studies & Articles, Bible Verses by Topic, and Bible Q&A; and section of Daily Devotionals developed around Bible verses. Sign up for the blog to receive new Bible resources and the daily devotionals via email.
Bible Learning
The Living Word (America Magazine & The American Bible Society) – “The Living Word: Scripture in the Life of the Church,” a two-year, multi-platform project, is aimed at promoting deeper engagement with the Bible. Content for “The Living Word” is organized around five themes: Conversion through Scripture; Praying with Scripture; Worshipping with Scripture; The Aesthetics of Scripture; and The Theology of Scripture. The website includes articles, media, video reflections, and lectures.
Living Word Lectures
- “The Sacramentality of Scripture” – Scott W. Hahn
- A Conversation about Jesus with Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J. and James Martin, S.J.
- “Paul and the Powerful Word” – N. T. Wright
- “Jesus’ Parables: Jewish Stories, Christian Interpretations, Universal Lessons” – Amy Jill-Levine
- “Unfashionable Views on the Parables of Jesus” – John P. Meier
New Testament Gateway – New Testament Gateway is a comprehensive directory of academic internet resources related to the New Testament.
Understanding the Bible (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Vibrant Faith at Home (Vibrant Faith) – Vibrant Faith at Home is a multi-age faith formation resource center – young families, teen families, young adults, adults/couples – with hundreds of faith forming activities to equip and empower households to: talk with each other about their faith, pray together, ritualize their important moments, reach out in service and support of others, learn about the Christian faith, and explore and read the Bible.
Bible Studies
Invitation to the Word (Presbyterian) – There are resources for five simple practices that form us into Scripture-shaped communities, congregations and individuals: read, pray, study, remember, and live Scripture.
Journeys (American Bible Society) – Journeys has a variety of 7-day journeys through Bible – on a variety of themes such as Love, Grace, Forgiveness, Prayer, Faith, and more – that engage people with the Bible on a daily basis