Archives for: March 2022
There were 2 posts published in March 2022.

The Whānau Friendly Process
We are excited to bring you a project we have been working on for quite some time now…the Whānau Friendly Process!
In partnership with our sister department, PCFM (Presbyterian Children and Families Ministry), we have developed a process where a whole congregation is invited to discover six ministry priorities that will help a whole church to welcome and nurture the faith of children, young people and their families.
The Whānau Friendly Process is an intentional journey with teaching and reflection sessions using our kiwi made film series which is aimed at all ages. It fosters an understanding of the collective power of the congregation discipling young people – together.
By going through the Whānau Friendly Process your church will reflect on your congregation’s current ministry and discern in which way God may be leading you in the upcoming years.
The easiest way to understand what this process looks like is to watch this short video.
Our dream is for the local church to be a place where all generations are present: thriving, encouraging one another, and growing in faith, together.
We are excited that this process includes your whole congregation, promoting the importance of ministry to young people and children which is a big win for youth leaders.
If your church prides itself on being a Kids Friendly church, you are welcome to add the Whānau Friendly logo next your Kids Friendly logo in your church after going through this process if you wish.
We believe the Whānau Friendly Process is a great “next step” for your church in prioritising ministry to the children, youth, and families in your midst!
We invite you to visit the Whānau Friendly website