WOF Training

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Workshop – WOF Training

[you must attend all four workshops to receive certificate]

Time: 10:30 & 12:00 Saturday + 09:30 & 11:00 Sunday
CoreTopic: merging Leaders
Where: Pinewood Dining
Style: Interactive Workshop

By doing these four workshops,you will receive the PCANZ Children’s and Youth Leader Safety WOF certificate. We recommend every youth leader does this training every three years. This training is provided in your presbytery once a year. [more info]

A young person confides in you that they are taking drugs and pleads with you not to tell their parents… What would you do? A student confides in you that they are being sexually abused at home. Who can you tell?

The workshop looks. at Physical, Psychological, Sexual and Spiritual safety. This workshop is packed with loads of practical ways you can make your ministry as safe as possible.


Brad Kelderman

brad kelderman Presbyterian Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Advisor, Presbyterians in Otago and Southland

I’m a mid thirties ginger who has only really done youth ministry since leaving school, which means I have had many different side jobs trying to survive, and I have also only studied ministry and theology and so I’m stuck…no no…I’m committed to my call to youth ministry. I currently work for the Presbyterians in Otago and Southland as their regional youth ministry guy.

Emma Page

emma- connect

Youth Coordinator,  Northern Presbytery

Emma is the youth coordinator for Northern Presbytery based in Greenlane, Auckland. Although she has done a few different jobs in her short life she has always been involved in youth ministry along the way. Emma enjoys cooking and running (but not at the same time) and is married to Elliot.