Wahi mahi te tahi – Workshop Slot #2


To help you decide which workshops will be the most helpful to you we have categorized some workshops as being particularly helpful for one or more of 3 leadership stages:

Rarangahia te taura whiri tangata kia hua ai te marama – Bringing people together to allow for understanding to come to fruition. 

2A Wharenui, Saturday 20 July 1:30-2:30pm, Great for Emerging Leaders 

Emma has worked in the Maori Suicide Prevention space Kia Piki te Ora for over 17 years. She is keen to share the learnings of her journey with others and talk about mental health, wellbeing, building resilience and an entry level introduction to Te Ao Maori (The Maori World). Emma is keen to adapt each workshop to the needs of the people so come with your questions. Nau mai haere mai 

Emma Kutia 

 Eastern Bay of Plenty Coordinator, Kia Piki te Ora Maori Suicide Prevention 

Ko Maungapohatu te maunga
Ko Tauranga, ko Whakatane nga awa
Ko Tatahoata, ko Rahiri nga marae
Ko Ngai te Riu, ko Ngati Rere nga hapu
Ko Ngai Tuhoe te iwi.
Ko Emma Kutia ahau. 


The changing landscape of ministry – times really have changed…and ministry must follow 

2B Laidlaw Lounge (Kitchen End), Saturday 20 July 1:30-2:30pm, Great for Established and Key Leaders 

This workshop explores how New Zealand society and culture has changed over recent decades, how the church has been impacted by those changes and what current changes are suggesting about how the church will need to adapt if it is to keep connecting with younger generations. 

Kevin Ward
Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership (KCML). 

Kevin Ward has been a secondary school teacher, church minister and for the last 30 years has been teaching and training church leaders and ministers.  He is currently at the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership. His major interest is how the church and ministry needs to keep adapting to its rapidly changing social and cultural context.  He is particularly concerned with how it can connect with and relate to the emerging generations and has researched and written extensively in this area. 



Hearing God in a multifaceted world  

2C Laidlaw Lounge (Beach End), Saturday 20 July 1:30-2:30pm, Great for Established and Key Leaders 

We live life and do ministry in an increasingly multicultural and multifaceted world. We need to work alongside all kinds of different people who come with varying definitions and expectations of how things should work. This workshop will serve as a practical guide of how to skillfully navigate such multifaceted environments, looking at how we build relationships, break down barriers and deal with conflict by working through lots of practical scenarios. 

The Right Rev Taimoanaifakaofo (Fakaofo) Kaio 
Moderator Presbyerian Church Aotearoa New Zealand, Senior Minister Onehunga Cooperating Parish. 

The Rev Taimoanaifakaofo (Fakaofo) Kaio was installed as the Moderator of the General Assembly on 3 October 2018. Fakaofo will be Moderator until the 2020 General Assembly. Fakaofo says the Church, like New Zealand society is increasingly multicultural and cross-cultural and that ministry must reach out and form the kinds of one-on-one relationships that respond to different but similar deep life experiences. He says the Church is about relationship – forming them and nurturing them. It is the place where we can share our similarities. We have all faced need and strife. Church is where we can make connections and support one another in our faith journey and make life a little less hard for each other.  


What is God like? 

2D Church Prefab, Saturday 20 July 1:30-2:30pmGreat for Emerging Leaders 

Telling the big story of the Bible and why this matters for me.  In this workshop we will discover how we ought to think about God. It is easy to make God into an image that appeals to you, but does not reflect what the Bible bears witness to. If we claim to worship God, we need to understand what God is like. This workshop will be interactive and will require a bit of participation. Together, we will try and discover what God is like! 

Rev. Joey Millington
Laidlaw College 

Joey was born and raised in Halifax on the East Coast of Canada. He is passionate about ice hockey, videography, learning, writing, and of course his lovely wife, Lauren! He received a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry from Kingswood University, and a Master of Arts in New Testament Studies from Acadia University. Joey loves teaching about the Bible and its importance in the world and for individuals. 


Dealing with doubt 

2E Church Sanctuary, Saturday 20 July 1:30-2:30pm 

A practical guide for supporting others and supporting yourself through doubt. 

James Beck  

Kaihanga o Ngā Mea/ Director of Development and Delivery, The Parenting Place 

James has been part of the Parenting Place team for over 10 years now. James started his time here as an Attitude Presenter and he has reached over 200,000 people in schools, prisons and workplaces all over the country.