Global Mission Trip Training



Going Global is also a formation learning experience. We have developed six teaching modules about mission, including the theology of mission, mission as partnership, development, community building and cross cultural awareness.

Each session includes a video, a reading and a set of questions. Below you will see the videos, If your church is planning a short term mission trip and would like to use this training. Contact and we will mail you the Going Global participant journals and the readings.

 Understanding Mission as God’s Initiative

Learning Outcomes:

  1. To meet your team members and get to know a little about them
  2. To have a broad understanding of the concept of mission as God’s initiative
  3. To understand the influence of culture on faith and Christian practice

Mission as Partnership

Learning Outcomes:

  1. To know how the concept of partnership applies in a mission context
  2. To be able to explain why mutuality in mission partnership is important
  3. To understand the importance of long-term sustainable mission relationships

Introduction to development

Learning Outcomes

  1. To have an understanding of development and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
  2. To distinguish between sustainable mission partnership and dependency
  3. To be able to discuss the significance that the idea of dignity has for mission

Cross Cultural Awareness

Learning Outcomes

  1. To understand the environment you are going into and be able to operate appropriately without judgement
  2. To be aware of how personal boundaries can be challenged
  3. To learn how gender constructs can impact differently in different cultural contexts

Knowing the Community

Learning Outcomes

  1. To have a solid understanding of community, what it means to work in community and to understand community dynamics.
  2. To be able to work with your group and build a supportive community.
  3. To understand the importance of your own communities and the role these play in your mission experience.
  4. To explore what it means to be part of a community even when this becomes difficult.

Life after the Mission Experience

Learning Outcomes

  1. To reflect on and critique the mission experience and the place of God in what you have observed and done
  2. To debrief the mission experience and plan how you can share this with others back home and what you are going to take with you from your time here

[No video for this session]

Contact to discuss getting the readings and study guides.