The Whānau Friendly Process
We are excited to bring you a project we have been working on for quite some time now…the Whānau Friendly Process!
In partnership with our sister department, PCFM (Presbyterian Children and Families Ministry), we have developed a process where a whole congregation is invited to discover six ministry priorities that will help a whole church to welcome and nurture the faith of children, young people and their families.
The Whānau Friendly Process is an intentional journey with teaching and reflection sessions using our kiwi made film series which is aimed at all ages. It fosters an understanding of the collective power of the congregation discipling young people – together.
By going through the Whānau Friendly Process your church will reflect on your congregation’s current ministry and discern in which way God may be leading you in the upcoming years.
The easiest way to understand what this process looks like is to watch this short video.
Our dream is for the local church to be a place where all generations are present: thriving, encouraging one another, and growing in faith, together.
We are excited that this process includes your whole congregation, promoting the importance of ministry to young people and children which is a big win for youth leaders.
If your church prides itself on being a Kids Friendly church, you are welcome to add the Whānau Friendly logo next your Kids Friendly logo in your church after going through this process if you wish.
We believe the Whānau Friendly Process is a great “next step” for your church in prioritising ministry to the children, youth, and families in your midst!
We invite you to visit the Whānau Friendly website

All the latest Buzz (March 22)
We invite you to read the latest edition of the Buzz Newsletter
In this month’s Buzz:
- Connect – Save the Date
- Isolation care packages
- Easter ideas for your church
- Young Adult Ministry Cohort
- Recommendations for children’s and youth Ministry in the Traffic Light System
- Safety WOF Refresher
- Emerge Leadership Formation
- No arms, oo legs, no worries

Save the Date: Connect 2022
We have heard from many people who are hoping we can run our national youth ministry conference Connect this year. We communicated that we would be making an announcement about Connect by the 21st February.
Well, here we are in February, and the Omicron variant of COVID is clearly starting its upward trend on the bell curve, which makes it’s it very hard to be certain about upcoming events. We believe we will be in a much better place in a couple of months’ time to make a decision about Connect 2022.
What we can say at this point is that we have provisional dates booked for El Rancho, Wellington on the on the 22-24 July, and we ask that you put these dates in your calendar.
As we discern putting on Connect ‘22 we will continue pray, pay attention to the news and experts, and engage our key stakeholders and colleagues.

PT Job Vacancy – Wellington
Four Parishes in the western area of Wellington, Wadestown Presbyterian, Ngaio Union, Khandallah Presbyterian and Johnsonville Uniting (The Hub) are looking to recruit a Youth Ministry Worker to strengthen their joint ministries of faith. This half time role will have an emphasis on ensuring the needs of young people within the community are identified and developed. Along with a call to Youth Ministry you will share the Hub vision and direction.
- To be successful in the role it is expected you will have:
- Experience in working with young people
- Strong personal faith and a willingness to support young people to explore their Christian faith in a supportive environment
- An approachable, energetic and natural easy going leadership style
- The ability to work ecumenically, cross culturally, and with an open mind across the diversity of the communities.
- Strong organisational skills and be effective in managing your time
If you believe you are called to minister to the young people across our four parishes and their communities then please contact the Reverend Ryhan Prasad, kpcrev@xtra.co.nz, for a role description or more information. Applications will close on 28th February 202

COMING SOON: The Whānau Friendly process
In March 2022, the Whānau Friendly process will be launched.
Our dream is that the local church is a place where all generations are present, thriving, encouraging one another and growing in faith together. The Whānau Friendly process has been designed to help your church move closer to this.
The resource is available for churches to run in the new year. In this process your whole congregation will discover together six ministry essentials that can help ministry to children, young people and their families flourish in your parish. Your congregation will also discover that everyone benefits and grows when we are intentional about connecting across the generations.
The resource has been created in partnership with Presbyterian Children and Families Ministry and includes a film series, intergenerational teaching curriculum, community surveys and resources to create actions and priorities for ministry.

All the latest Buzz (Dec ’21)
We invite you to read the latest edition of the Buzz newsletter
In this months edition:
- Easter Camps
- Key Leaders Retreat
- Connect
- 2022 Wall Planner
- Safety Wof Refresher
- Whānau Friendly Process
- PYM Internship
- School Leavers Resource
- Emerge Leadership Formation Video Course

Wall Planner 2022
We are delighted to offer you the gift of a calendar for 2022. This has been created in collaboration with our friends from Presbyterian Children and Families Ministry (PCFM). and Presbyterian Support Northern.
It highlights public holidays as well as ‘holy days’ and important dates in the Presbyterian Support, PYM and PCFM calendars. Many of the highlighted dates are interactive and when you click on them will take you to the relevant website for resources.
Recommendations on working in children and youth ministry in the Traffic Light System
We have been asked to provide some recommendations on ministry to young people in the Traffic Light System.
As this is an ever changing environment, our most current recommendations can be found on this document.

Connect Online Video Recordings
In 2021, PYM offered 5 online training events over Zoom. We called the series Connect Online.
- Setting up your ministry to thrive
- Young Adult Ministry Essentials
- Intermediate Ministry Essentials
- Transitioning well, moving on from Intermediate and High School.
- Helping parents win