Wahi mahi te tahi – Workshop Slot #1


To help you decide which workshops will be the most helpful to you we have categorized some workshops as being particularly helpful for one or more of 3 leadership stages:


1. Rarangahia te taura whiri tangata kia hua ai te marama – Bringing people together to allow for understanding to come to fruition. 

1A Wharenui, Saturday 20 July 11:30am-12:30pmGreat for Emerging Leaders 

Emma has worked in the Maori Suicide Prevention space Kia Piki te Ora for over 17 years. She is keen to share the learnings of her journey with others and talk about mental health, wellbeing, building resilience and an entry level introduction to Te Ao Maori (The Maori World). Emma is keen to adapt each workshop to the needs of the people so come with your questions. Nau mai haere mai 


Emma Kutia 

Eastern Bay of Plenty Coordinator, Kia Piki te Ora Maori Suicide Prevention 

Ko Maungapohatu te maunga
Ko Tauranga, ko Whakatane nga awa
Ko Tatahoata, ko Rahiri nga marae
Ko Ngai te Riu, ko Ngati Rere nga hapu
Ko Ngai Tuhoe te iwi.
Ko Emma Kutia ahau. 



Who am I? 

1B Laidlaw Lounge (Kitchen End), Saturday 20 July 11:30am-12:30pmGreat for Emerging Leaders 

Being a Youth Influencer/Worker, in the privileged space where God allows us to do His work with young people, can challenge who and what we think we are. This workshop will discuss and explore who you are, knowing your truth and being confident in your youth influence/work. There will be an opportunity to bravely share who you are, listen to other people’s truths, engage in fun activities and see what God has to say. This workshop will be coming from a Cook Islands perspective and anyone and everyone are welcome. 

Mareta Matenga 

Senior Community Advisor at the Hamilton City Council, Elder Youth Leader, Sunday School Teacher and Musician at Westside Presbyterian Church in Hamilton.  

Mareta is also a proud Cook Islander, born and raised in Hamilton, New Zealand. She has had the privilege of working with young people for 30 years, disciplining and developing their faith and supporting them to be the best version of themselves. Alongside her amazing local church work, she currently serves on the Press Go Board and Presbyterian Youth Ministry Focus Group. She leads a team of Community Advisors as a Senior Community Advisor at the Hamilton City Council and enjoys contributing to her city through community-led projects and making Hamilton a great place to live. Mareta is married to Tapaki Matenga, Mummy to Marque (23yrs) and Grammie to Elijche-George (3yrs) and another moko will arrive any day now. 


An entrepreneurial approach to mission 

1C Laidlaw Lounge (Beach End), Saturday 20 July 11:30am-12:30pm 

We need to think about doing mission in completely new ways that meet at-need people in the community and create sustainable streams of funding. Using the example of Te Ra Power Project, we will look at how to break-down barriers in the community and foster innovative entrepreneurial approaches to mission. 

Chris Lambourne 

Chris has a background in doing new things.  He worked to help get both SkyTV and TV3 launched in 1990. Later, at Television New Zealand Chris led out digital television “new media” services. Currently, Chris is running the Te  Power Mission Project that aims to improve the health and well-being of 1,500 low income people in Flaxmere by supplying cheap electricity from a solar farm. In Presbytery Central, Chris is the Convener of the Mission Resource Work Group. This group evaluates mission projects and allocates funding. 


Putting your foot in it!  

1DOhope Presbyterian Church Prefab, Saturday 20 July 11:30am-12:30pmGreat for Emerging Leaders 

Inspiring young people to be active in their faith, to walk the talk and change their world.  

Andy Banks 

Northern Youth Consultant, Scripture Union New Zealand. 

Andy hails from the United Kingdom and has been in youth and school ministry for over 25 years, including 21 years with Scripture Union in England and New Zealand. His current role with Scripture Union is as the Northern Youth Consultant, supporting and encouraging churches to be passionate about walking the journey of faith with young people, as they develop into lifelong disciples of Christ and encouraging them to live faith “with legs on”.  


Tackling Technology 

1E Ohope Presbyterian Sanctuary, Saturday 20 July 11:30am-12:30pm 

A crash course in how technology is impacting the bodies, brains and relationships of today’s young people. This workshop will get us reflecting on how the modern world continues to change and get us thinking about what that means for working with young people today.   

James Beck 

Kaihanga o Ngā Mea/ Director of Development and Delivery, The Parenting Place 

James has been part of the Parenting Place team for over 10 years now. James started his time here as an Attitude Presenter and he has reached over 200,000 people in schools, prisons and workplaces all over the country.