Basics of Biblical Interpretation

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Basics of Biblical Interpretation

Time: 12:00 Saturday
Where: Elm Hall
Style: Interactive Workshop
tiny-sizw-ctCore Topic: Emerging

The interpretation of Scripture is a dynamic process because Christians approach the bible from different perspectives and contexts. These processes influence how we read, think about and make sense of Scripture. In this workshop, we will look at some useful tools of exegesis which seek to discover the ‘world behind the text’. We will also look at eisegesis which is a ‘reader centred interpretation’. With an understanding of both methods of biblical interpretation, we will collaborate on appropriate methods of interpretation for various areas of the teaching and preaching ministry.



Terry Pouono


Lecturer and Kaiako, Laidlaw College

Terry Pouono is a kaiako and lecturer for the School of Theology based at the Manukau campus. Terry teaches a range of theology courses at the Manukau campus. He has taught at Malua Theological College in Samoa and worked in the Tuakana student support programme at the University of Auckland. He is married to Toese and they have four children.