Praxis, Applications for 2016 are now open

Praxis offers courses in Youth and Community work. The courses are recognised by NZQA, and are approved for student loans and allowance funding, through a direct relationship with TEC.

Appy online Now

NZ Course Prospectus

NZ Course Application Form

You can enter into the Praxis course through two streams.

All Praxis courses:

  • Include a mix of learning in a classroom setting (at block courses and weekly group work) and practical work with a church or community organisation in your community.
  • Are available as a ‘stand alone program’ and as the training component for internships which are offered by various partner groups.

Choosing the right course:

  • Praxis runs the first year of the National Diploma and the Level four Certificate concurrently.
  • Both first year Diploma students and Certificate students will attend many of the same lectures and have the same expectations regarding completion of the course.
  • However each will have different workbooks and will be assessed at the level of the course they have opted for.
  • If you are unsure which course is right for you contact a local praxis coordinator and we will guide you through the options.

Note: Unit Standard 468 (included in the Certificate) is assessed by a Skills Active registered assessor.