Grass Roots – young leaders training is a two year leadership development course which includes:
- Four group training sessions per year
- Mentor
- Ministry involvement
- Accountability
- Journaling
- Reading material
- Leadership Weekend
- Commitment to one camp per year
Over two years the course follows the listed training courses.
Year One Courses
- Heart of the Leader
- Time Management
- How to Care by learning how to Listen
- How to work in a Team
Year Two Courses
- Pastoral Care
- The Character of the leader
- Public Speaking
- Leading Great Bible Studies
Everything you need to run this course with your young leaders is in the Grass Roots Leaders Training Manual.
Grow your pool of leaders and you grow the ministry
Young Leaders Grass Roots training is a positive approach to helping your young people grow spiritually and discover new skills that will help them find a fit in leadership.
John Maxwell in his book ‘Developing the Leaders Around You’ says, “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership”.
Stephen Covey in his book ‘Principle Centered Leadership’, says “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Jesus considered developing leaders a high priority. In three years, He developed a bunch of men who were on the fringes of society and turned them into powerful leaders whom God would use to build His church and usher in the kingdom of God.
Mark 6:6-13, 30; Luke 9:1-6, 10
Here we see Jesus undertaking a process that develops the leaders around Him.
Mark 6:7 Jesus gives an invitation (Invitation)
They have been watching Jesus do ministry for a period of time (Developing)
Mark 6:7 Jesus sends them out (Exposure)
Mark 6:30 The disciples reported back (Accountability)
This we call ‘The Jesus Idea’
As leaders we are good at invitation and exposure, but we so often neglect developing our leaders and holding them accountable.
Grass Roots is about helping a young person on their spiritual journey with God. Helping them discover who they are in God and encouraging them to find their leadership fit.
The manual was written by Gary Grut, BYM Youth Manager, and shared with permission.