Archives for: February 2021

There were 2 posts published in February 2021.

The Buzz Feb

We invite you to read our Buzz Newsletter

In this month’s Buzz:

  • Connect Online
  • Regional Connect
  • Youth Leader Coaching
  • Easter NUA
  • Emerge Leadership formation
  • Teen Mental Health
  • Key Leaders Retreat – Queenstown
  • General Assembly

or you can watch it here

Connect is going to look different this year!


We would love to put on the Connect conference as a national gathering once again this year but we have to acknowledge that New Zealand isn’t out of the woods yet in regards to potential future lockdowns and travel and gathering restrictions related to Covid 19. We appreciate that this uncertainty can cause a lot of stress particularly for those travelling from different parts of the country.
We know that there is so much fruit that comes out from the national conference. There is much benefit from youth leaders connecting with others from around the country, from worship together, and from the quality training and resourcing. While we can’t replace a national conference, we will do our best to deliver on the same goals.
With your safety as the first priority here are our plans for 2021

Multiple Regional Connects.

We want to bring some of the fantastic learning, worship and fellowship opportunities that our national Connect conference is so well known for to each of our five regions. These day-long local events will provide a wonderful opportunity for whole leadership teams, ministers and elders to learn and grow together at a very low cost and with very little travel time. These events are also far less susceptible to the cancellations and limitations that may again plague larger events due to Covid 19. We will be sending communications out about the location and dates for these Regional Connect dates in the next couple of weeks.

Six Connect Online trainings

As already promoted we have six 90 minute long zoom based training times. It’s our hope that Church leadership teams will gather together in someone’s home or the church, share a meal and participate in any of the relevant training sessions together.
  • 15 March, Setting up your ministry to thrive
  • 10 May, Young Adults Ministry
  • 12 July, Intermediates Ministry
  • 13 Sept, Transitioning well, moving on from Intermediate and High School.
  • 8 Nov, Helping parents win
Next week we will send registration info for our first Online Connect

Queenstown Key leaders retreat – 26-30 November

We want to give our key leaders the opportunity to connect the network with each other around the country. As the government is planning to issue Covid 19 vaccines to anyone who wants them by the end of the year we think that a key leaders retreat later in the year will provide the best and safest opportunity for national networking to happen. The aim of this retreat to reconnect, acknowledge, refresh and equip key leaders from across the PCANZ.