Archives for: December 2020

There were 2 posts published in December 2020.

Andrew Norton Young Leaders Scholarship

For innovative and creative young leaders


The Andrew Norton Young Leaders Scholarship was established in 2019 in the loving memory of Very Rev Andrew Norton, past Moderator, and a creative and innovative leader in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. This fund supports young people in the Alpine Presbytery in formal leadership formation


For leaders under 40 years of age who Alpine Presbytery recognise as being:

  • Innovative
  • Influencers
  • Risk takers
  • Theological thinkers
  • In, or likely to be in leadership roles in a ministry of Alpine Presbytery

Areas of Use

  • Study (undergraduate, post graduate) in areas of innovation, leadership, or theology, that have potential to inform church and faith formation
  • Research project expenses in areas of innovation in local church life
  • Approved conferences, including conference fees and travel expenses exploring innovation in local church life


Up to $3000 per annum

Applications to be received by the Presbytery in December and granted in February the following year.


Applications to:

The Executive Officer by 20 December