Archives for: November 2020

There were 2 posts published in November 2020.

We need your help to make Tips and Tricks videos

PYM is currently working on making some Tips and Tricks videos which will be used when coaching youth leaders. We need your help!

We are wanting youth leaders to film little 30s clips of themselves answering questions, Below are the questions we would love you to answer.

You can film 1 video answering 1 question or film multiple for each topic whatever feels manageable.  The best way to film is to just film facing a camera and be somewhere quiet so we don’t pick up too much background noise! Just remember that 30 seconds is a great length and over a minute is probably a bit long (unless it’s a really epic story that needs slightly longer)

Video parameters:

  • Send as many video’s in as you like but keep it around 30s-1 minute long.
  • Film in landscape view
  • Be yourself and have fun with it
  • Reduce background noise.
  • Use a good camera if possible.
  • feel free to answer the question or share any stories you might have about a win that’s happened on that topic: e.g. a time discipline led to a young person gaining confidence

Please send your videos to

The Questions

We love to hear your stories and ideas and maybe even something that didn’t work well….

1.Dealing with unacceptable
How you have provided discipline in a way that’s both loving and effective?
What is the best rule you have put into place in your ministry?

2.Teaching and Communication

What is the best tip you have to communicate what you want effectively with teens.
How do you get students talking during small groups?

3.Discipling young people

What does discipleship look like in your context?

4. Adolescent development

How has your teens adolescent development shaped what you do or how you do ministry?
What do you do differently for your year 9 vs year 13 students?

5. Engaging and Supporting Parents

What’s the best way you have found to support and engage with parents?

How has engaging with parents changed your ministry for the better?

6. Pastoral care

What is one practical way that you have shown care to your young people?

7. Intergenerational Ministry
What is the best way you have found for building intergenerational relationships?
Do you have a story of young and old forming connections?