Archives for: May 2020

There was just one post published in May 2020.

COVID-19 Alert Level 2 – Youth Ministry Advice -29 May

Read PCANZ Guidance

New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2 on 13 May 2020. Since then there has been some changes to the rules and accompanying guidance, most significantly at midday on 29 May 2020 when the number of people permitted in gatherings increased to 100 and for the first time, faith based activities were referenced in the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Alert Level 2) Order 2020

29 May 2020 Changes
1) Faith based gatherings are now expressly excluded from the rules that apply to businesses and services. However, the rules for social gatherings do apply. In summary these rules are:
a. Gatherings must be limited to 100 people (not including workers) per defined space.
b. A contact tracing register must be kept, unless every person knows and can identify for the purposes of contact tracing, every other person at that gathering.

2. The concept of “defined space” is introduced. A “defined space” is an internal or external
space separated by walls with systems and processes in place to prevent intermingling. Intermingling means coming within 2 meters of each other.

3. Because a faith based gathering is not a business or service, physical distancing rules and rules for the serving of food and drink do not apply. However, if a church has a business or service operating on church property, they must comply with the applicable rules. For example, it is the responsibility of the person in charge of an op shop, café, or other external group which amounts to a business or service to comply with the applicable rules. These rules do not extend to faith based gatherings even if they are operating within the same building.

Advice on 14 May (some of the content here is outdated)

The PYM team sat down with the PCANZ Compliance director Matthew Hague to discuss youth ministry at alert level 2 on 14 May.

In the discussion the official PCANZ Guidance document is mentioned, as well as the governments COVID-19 website additionally there is reference to a pastoral care framework and small groups framework.