Archives for: October 2018

There was just one post published in October 2018.

Youth Ministry in New Zealand Podcast

Jasmin and Tim are the hosts of the new fortnightly podcast, ‘Youth Ministry in New Zealand.’ Their vision to see everyone who workswith young people in Aotearoa equipped with relevant resources.

The Podcast aims to equip inspire and uplift all those working with young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Each episode will include a conversation with those from around the country who work with young people in a variety of contexts.

Jasmin in a Presbyterian Youth Pastor working for the whole community of Marton. Tim is an Anglican Priest in the Rangitikei, with 10 years youth work experience.

They started this Podcast because they saw an opportunity to capitalise on the wealth of experience and wisdom in New Zealand. And a need to address our own unique context.

You can subscribe to the podcast by searching through your usual podcast app or





Example Podcast with our very own Matt Chamberlin: