Archives for: August 2018

There were 4 posts published in August 2018.

Connect 2018 Resources

Once again, we have been staggered by the post feedback we received from Connect 2018. We’ve been contacted a few times since Connect asking for some of the content used.

We have put together a folder that has content such as the epic Prayer stations from the Saturday night, the wording to the Mihi Whakatau including the grace, Abby’s mainstage prayers and a good number of the workshop handouts.

connect folder

Connect 2019

Once again, we have been staggered by the post feedback we received from Connect 2018. We are so thankful for each person who attended, because we know the awesome vibe we had at Connect came from you.

Connect has been based in El Rancho in Wellington for the past 3 years and before we sign on the dotted line to run Connect 2019 at El Rancho, we thought it was a good time to pause, reflect, survey our people, and seek God’s will for the venue for next year.

For both Matt and I in our quiet time we have had a sense that Connect 2019 should happen on our national Marae in Ohope. We have a sense, this would be an amazing shared experience for us, and on top of the usual Connect experience, we would engage and be upskilled on our bi-cultural commitment.  We could really explore what God mission in Aotearoa looks like in 2019.

At Ohope, participants would have the option of sleeping marae style, or in bunks, or staying in local B&B’s, hotels, cabins etc.

We acknowledge getting to Ohope isn’t as easy as a major centre, and this may affect attendance. Whakatane has a little airport with planes coming in from Auckland. Rotorua and Tauranga have airports an hour and a half away. There are also well priced bus services leaving from Auckland and Wellington that go through Whakatane or Rotorua.

So we want to ask you our whanau, what is your take? How does this idea sit with your soul? Does it feel right, that for a one off, we should run Connect at our national Marae in Ohope? Please answer this survey here.

See Survey here


NUA is all about exploration: it’s a film series that encourages questions, acknowledges doubt, and offers an engaging perspective on the Christian faith. Discuss your worldview and wrestle with the things that don’t seem to make sense—this film series is about the life-changing experience of working out your faith.


The Sessions

Session One // How Did We Get Here?
Session Two // Jesus: Fact or Fiction?
Session Three // What About The Resurrection?
Session Four // What Was Jesus Really Like?
Session Five // Why Do I Like Jesus, But Struggle With Christians?
Session Six // How Can You Say That God Is Good?
Session Seven // Has The Church Caused More Harm Than Good?
Session Eight // What’s Jesus Got To Do With Me?

Episode 1
