What resources do you use?

We are really interested to know what resources you are using to develop your young people from the ages of 10 years old all the way through to 30 years old. These may be resources that you have bought or ones that you have created yourself.

Please take a few minutes to fill in the quick form linked below to tell us a little about the resources that you love. You can even upload resource files on the form if you have created something that you would like to share with us.

Go to the form

You can tell us about as many resources as you like , you just need to click on the  Go to the form link for each new resource you want to add.

With the information that you give us we are hoping to put together a simple table that helps people chose great age-suitable resources to form their young people in a variety of different areas, these areas include:

  • Leadership development,
  • Theology (Understanding the essential tenants of the Christian Faith),
  • Church Practices/ Rites of Passage (Baptism, Confirmation, Graduation etc)
  • Spiritual Formation (Prayer, Scripture reading methods, Listening to the Holy Spirit etc)
  • Global Concern/Justice (Mission, Ecology and Social Justice
  • Personal/Character Formation
  • Tackling a specific topical issue (Sexuality, Relationships, Apologetics etc)