Archives for: September 2015

There were 8 posts published in September 2015.

Positive Youth Development

Positive Youth Development (PYD) has been described as an “approach that guides communities in the way they organise programmes, people and supports so that young people can develop to their full potential “(Pittman). This Positive Youth Development in Aotearoa (PYDA) framework seeks to explore the confluence between the various approaches to PYD documented in local and international literature, with the grass roots experiences of young people and organisations in Aotearoa / New Zealand. We hope to promote fresh thinking by those working with young people and the funding providers supporting them. This includes both private and public funders of adolescent focused programmes across a range of professions (social work, youth work, education, counselling, social services, corrections, justice etc), as well as managers, programme leaders and programme designers, the adults working with young people as well as parents, communities and young people themselves.


Youth love Taiwan exchange

“Growing global followers of Jesus Christ” is the tag-line of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa’s Global Mission.

It’s also what inspired two young Auckland students, Elisa Soerjadi and Thomas Loho, to take part in the I Love Taiwan programme, a two-week cross-cultural exchange that brings 16 to 34-year-olds from across the globe to Taiwan.


Attitudes and Behaviours of Youth – Global Study

Attitudes and Behaviours of Youth

The Attitudes and Behaviours of youth (ABy) project, oneHope’s quantitative research study, examines the true daily life of teens and trends around the world. in 2007, oneHope launched a four-year, quantitative research study to identify the true daily life of teens around the world. From 2007–2011, more than 152,000 13–19-year-olds in 44 countries on 5 continents answered questions about their lives—family relationships, life choices, and faith. The Attitudes and Behaviours of youth (ABy) study revealed the teenage “norm” has gone global—crossing cultural and religious boundaries.

The Countries

Attitudes and Behaviours of Youth
Download the Study

Attitudes and Behaviours of Youth – Global Study

Justice & Action

The Justice & Action study booklet has been produced by PresCare – the partnership between the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and Presbyterian Support – to help equip congregations to take action on family violence and child poverty.


Leadership Coaching Workshop October

Get $95 worth of leadership coaching for $20.

The Leadership coaching approach provides tools for leaders to empower others more efficiently and effectively. To help people lead themselves well, and in turn lead others well.
