Connect 2015 Prayer Requests


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God…” Philippians 4:6

Believing in the power of prayer, what follows is some detailed prayer requests, which we ask you to:

  1. pray over.
  2. forward onto your church pray team if you have one.
  3. forward onto your your minister.

Connect 2015 Prayer Requests.


  1. Participants
  • We thank you God for the participants from around the country attending Connect, that they have a passion for young people and their faith. That they care so much that they are willing to give up their time for upskilling.
  • Pray that participants would be encouraged in faith: that youth leaders would be  inspired and challenged, and feel closer to God.
  • Pray that participants would learn new insights: through Keynote speakers, workshops, conversations over the dining room tables and in corridors.
  • Pray for safety: that participants will travel to and from Connect without harm, that Connect will be free from incidents.
  1. Speakers and Presenters
  • Thank you for the speakers and presenters that are sharing the their heart, experience and expertise.
  • Pray for the preparation of the three note keynote speakers Bill Maston, David Crawley and Mareta Ford, and the presenters of the 35 workshops.
  • Pray that the keynote speakers and workshop presenters speak into the lives of the participants, challenge and up-skill the youth leaders.
  1. Worship Band
  • Thank you for the blessings and the talents of band coming from St John’s Mt Roskill,
  • Pray for their preparation at this time.
  • Pray that through their ministry the band will enable Connect participants to celebrate, praise and worship God and be  inspired and refreshed.
  1. Spiritual Direction and Soul Care
  • Pray for the 28 spiritual directors who are donating their time to help participants to strengthen our relationship with God. May they build trust quickly with our people
  • Pray for courage for the participants to use the skills that these spiritual directors offer.
  1. Organisers
  • Thank you for the people who are involved in making Connect happen, who have been and will continue to work tirelessly.
  • Pray for the Connect Working group who looking after the event.
  • Pray for the hospitality team that will be the glue of the event.
  • Pray for the tech team
  • Pray for the team running extra-curricular events, such as the regional welcome parties, free time activities, Connects Got Talent and Table Conversations.
  • Pray for the Campsite staff and cooks, that everything will run smoothly.