Archives for: May 2015

There were 4 posts published in May 2015.

Brian McLaren in New Zealand

Brian is visiting New Zealand from 1st to 10th August 2015 as the guest of The Smallternative Trust, a New Zealand-based relief and development agency.

Named by TIME magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America, Brian (a leading figure in the emerging church movement), brings a fresh and often provocative vision of what it means to be a Christian today.



World Vision have an exciting opportunity for someone aged 18 – 20 to become our 2016 Faith Ambassador.

The successful applicant will be someone who is passionate about injustice and motivating others around God’s heart for the poor.


grandma Presbyterian Youth Ministry

Twenty Ideas for Grandparents

Twenty Best Ideas

To help families and leaders leverage the influence of grandparents, with the launch of Sticky Faith FYI decided to ask grandparents who are part of the Fuller community and walking this Sticky Faith journey to share their best ideas to build Sticky Faith in their grandkids. We originally posted over 40 ideas but we’ve distilled the list to 20 FYI Favorites for grandparents.
