Youth Engagement

rod baxter

Youth Engagement

Come play with some toys!  – And then work out why. This interactive workshop will fuse ABL and Youth Participation frameworks to find fresh perspectives on familiar practices. Often, when we ask young people why they’re involved in something, they’ll reply with “fun, friends, and food” and then maybe something that we think is “more substantial”. How can we ensure that every element of our programmes include an intentional engagement edge? We’ll explore the concepts of meaning, control and connectedness in an applicable sense. You’ll take away some cool research links and maybe a new game or two. And you may have an urge to visit the toy store.

Interactive Workshop
General Interest

Rod Baxter – BGI Wellington

Rod Baxter is a youth worker with Wellington Boys’ and Girls’ Institute (BGI), a youth development organisation founded in 1883 by young people in partnership with St John’s in the City. He has enjoyed journeys with St John’s youth group, chairing the National Youth Workers Network of Aotearoa and helped found Ara Taiohi in 2010. Rod’s current focuses within the BGI kaupapa are a group of young leaders called ‘Link’ and a crew of emerging street artists painting murals in alleyways. Rod loves: trim flat whites, the Code of Ethics, Cuba St, X-Men comics, supervision, facilitation, his diary, Scrabble, parallel relationships, pranks, fancy pens, brunch, learning new things and creative ways of working.