Quest is divided into seven sessions. Each session is designed to present Christianity in a non-threatening way. Now the entire DVD series online for FREE DOWNLOAD! So if you want you can cut and snip the videos and combine them with footage you captured of people in your community and make your own version of quest!
A lot of our youth groups say this a great resource.
Session 1 |
Why should we bother discussing spiritual issues?
Session 2 |
Is there an image problem facing the church today?
Session 3 |
Is there an image problem facing the church today?
Session 4 |
Who is Jesus? Does His existence make any difference?
Session 5 |
What is the ultimate gift…can it be for real?
Sorry due to file size, this episode must be downloaded.
Session 6 |
Is following Jesus really worth it?
Session 7 |
Can we continue our quest for truth?