Come and Live

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Here is a plug for some first class Christian music which is FREE!!! Come and See have a collection of bands, and I’ve heard some incredible reports about them playing at Parachute. On their website you can stream and download all their music. It is all legal and in fact they actively encourage to share their music, as they see it all part of their ministry.

I Am Living: Sleeping Giant from Come&Live! on Vimeo.

This is what Come and See say about themselves:

We are all made to give. If we believe that our lives and music define our mission, then why not share them? Our art is plainly offered as a digital gift. There are no hidden agendas, no forms to fill out, and no fine print to read. This is one of the smaller ways we know how to spell radical generosity. Jesus said, “it is more blessed to give than to receive” – our heart is to daily move this statement into action.Acts 20:35

We are all made to love. Artists have the wonderful potential to live as missionaries; spreading the hope of Jesus, worshipping God, while giving all they have to love and serve others through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our passion is to love, train, mentor, and equip artists to clearly live and model the genuine heart of Jesus as {musicianaries}. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

We are all made to share. Our commitment is to share 100% of our profits to help meet backyard and global needs. This includes extreme poverty, human trafficking, homelessness, widows and orphans in distress, victims of war, and many others who legitimately need help. We partner with, and are inspired by, the works of countless organizations that serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. Come&Live! is made up of musicians and staff members who live as missionaries. We labor out of a genuine commitment to faith in Jesus, trusting God to provide for all our needs, so that we can live simply and give generously. Deuteronomy 15:11

We are all made to revive. Our united prayer, and weekly fast, is that God would revive the hearts of His children all around the world. This includes those who have already found Jesus as Lord and Savior, those who have wandered from His path, and those who have yet to discover the liberty He offers. Jesus is the great sacrifice for all men, for all time, and is the one and only true road to God. We pray that God would birth a renaissance of love that clearly demonstrates his grace and mercy showered upon all of humanity. 1 Corinthians 8:6