Wahi mahi te tahi – Workshop Slot #3


To help you decide which workshops will be the most helpful to you we have categorized some workshops as being particularly helpful for one or more of 3 leadership stages:

Rarangahia te taura whiri tangata kia hua ai te marama – Bringing people together to allow for understanding to come to fruition. 

3A Wharenui, Saturday 20 July 5:00-6:00pm Great for Emerging Leaders 

Emma has worked in the Maori Suicide Prevention space Kia Piki te Ora for over 17 years. She is keen to share the learnings of her journey with others and talk about mental health, wellbeing, building resilience and an entry level introduction to Te Ao Maori (The Maori World). Emma is keen to adapt each workshop to the needs of the people  so come with your questions. Nau mai haere mai 

Emma Kutia
Eastern Bay of Plenty Coordinator, Kia Piki te Ora Maori Suicide Prevention 

Ko Maungapohatu te maunga
Ko Tauranga, ko Whakatane nga awa
Ko Tatahoata, ko Rahiri nga marae
Ko Ngai te Riu, ko Ngati Rere nga hapu
Ko Ngai Tuhoe te iwi.
Ko Emma Kutia ahau. 


Leading from where you are – how youth leaders can bring about change in the whole church  

3B Laidlaw Lounge (Kitchen End) , Saturday 20 July 5:00-6:00pm, Great for Established and Key Leaders 

Are you tired of hearing that children and young people are the future of the church…but you want the whole church to get behind the ministry and mission NOW? Enough talk…time for action!  You can lead from where you are. You can be the change-maker your church needs! Discover how you can be the change the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand needs. We will talk about leadership, innovation, creativity, disruption and ecosystems that nurture mission. We will give it a go and move beyond our comfort zones because the Mission of God is too important to settle for status quo.   

Lisa Wells
PressGo Catalyst 

Lisa’s background is in not-for-profit management, and she has advised hundreds of organisations over the last 30 years on change management, revenue development and philanthropy. As the PressGo Catalyst, Lisa and the PressGo Board work alongside churches and Presbyteries across Aotearoa and help them by inspiring mission, building capacity and identifying resources.  She is passionate about helping congregations discover their unique part in God’s mission.  




Working with volunteers 

3C Laidlaw Lounge (Beach End), Saturday 20 July 5:00-6:00pm, Great for Key Leaders 

Volunteer’s no longer just want to contribute. They want to be part of what is happening, make a difference and help shape the overall mission. This workshop will explore how to recruit the cause driven volunteer, lead them well rather than managing them and establishing a culture of power and passion within the team. 


Suzanne Gamble, Alpha New Zealand 

Regional Staff Manager, National Training and Creative Coordinator 



Digital Church  

3D Church Prefab, Saturday 20 July 5:00-6:00pm 

Many of us spend more than 11 hours interacting with digital devices each day. We need to consider what sort of digital experience we could or should offer and how to go about building a team to work on this.  

Chris Lambourne 

Chris has a background in doing new things.  He worked to help get both SkyTV and TV3 launched in 1990. Later, at Television New Zealand Chris led out digital television “new media” services. Currently, Chris is running the Te Rā Power Mission Project that aims to improve the health and well-being of 1,500 low income people in Flaxmere by supplying cheap electricity from a solar farm. In Presbytery Central, Chris is the Convener of the Mission Resource Work Group. This group evaluates mission projects and allocates funding.



Connection – the gateway to transformation  

3E Church Sanctuary, Saturday 20 July 5:00-6:00pm, Great for Emerging Leaders 

The biggest need in a young person’s life is connection, and this is the first step to relationship. You cannot have a long-lasting relationship unless there is connection first. But you can have a good connection and no relationship – and that is okay too. In this workshop we will explore practical ways to build connection.  

Sala Tiatia
Te Ora Hou in Otautahi (Christchurch). 

Sala has been in youth work for over 25 years from South Auckland to Porirua to Christchurch.  He has served in different youth work spaces from church ministries to Alternative Education to Pacific Island and Maori Leadership in High Schools. Sala is currently working for Te Ora Hou in Otautahi (Christchurch), being a Youth Work and Whanau organization that has been around for the last 30 years.  Sala is still a youth work practitioner but also operates at governance and pastoral levels – caring and loving on youth workers as well regionally and nationally.